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IPEC 2022 - AI & Sustainability

IHK Nürnberg für Mittelfranken

The IPEC 2022 offers an insight into artificial intelligence-powered activities for a sustainable future of eight European countries as well as the opportunity for personal dialogue between the participants. The event is addressing experts from manufacturing companies and scientific institutions who are interested in a sales-free exchange of experiences and would like to find project partners. The interactive conference platform offers an opportunity to place partnering offers in the marketplace section and arrange individual meetings based on a matchmaking process by areas of interest.

The event is organized by the Nuremberg Chamber of Commerce and Industry in cooperation with Automation Valley North-Bavaria and with professional support by the VDE Bayern and the Institute for Sustainability. The Enterprise Europe Network/Bayern Innovativ GmbH operates the interactive conference platform and organizes the virtual Matchmaking between the participants.

08. - 09.03.2022 - read more!
